Tom Crisp
Professional Square Dance Caller and Instructor

Welcome, and thanks for stopping by!

Tom is available for: Group Parties, Private Parties, Weddings, Conventions, Western Party Themes, Guest Ranches, Church Socials, Schools, Youth Groups, Fund Raisers, Barn Dance Parties and more!

Club Dances: Community Dance, Basic, Mainstream, Plus & Advance

Tom also calls:  Traditional Dances, Barn Dance Parties, Contras, Quadrilles, Line Dances, Mixers, Circle Dances and more.

Sonoran Stables
Dance Hall

At Sonoran Stables, we square dance every Monday from 7-9  Mainstream & Some Plus

Everyone is welcome to stop by any Monday and see how much fun it is to square dance!

Sonoran Stables Dance Hall
4231 S Pauline Lane, Tucson, AZ

At Golf Links & Harrison, drive south to Millmar, then turn left.  Make a left on Pauline Lane. Drive under the arch and take a right to the Dance Hall.

Square Dancing is a blast!  Come join us.

No experience necessary – dress is casual – singles and couples welcome – it’s a blast!  Join professional Caller Tom Crisp every Thursday, 6:30 – 8:30 pm.  It’s easy to learn, fun and great exercise.  Everyone learns together, make new friends, free refreshments.

Lets Party

Your Square Dance Party Success is My Business!

Serving Tucson, Southern Arizona and Nation Wide.

Looking for a fun theme for your next party? 
Are you a club dancer looking for a guest caller?
Never danced before?  No problem!  Tom makes it easy & fun.

Book Tom for your next party or club dance.  Reasonable rates!

 Square Dance Tour to Germany and Austria

September 15 – 29, 2026

Yes, planned tour for 2026!

Curtis, our son, is taking over the Crisp Tours business!

       For more info, call Curtis Crisp, 480-766-1797 
